lots of good tirs from all season/AT to pure snow tires, just pick what you like and have teh right load ratings, or HIGHER< stiffer side walls can make for more control of a trailer
as for Cooper AT's
I used to always have good life with them, current truck I bought a set , I'm at about 26k and there almost GONE
rather disappointed in them, and sen a few weeks after I bought mine they dropped them and now have there new design AT3's that have like tread on side wall some what over there other design
so, I hope what ever they did to change things, there back to being what they were, as I am not happy with the last one's I got
next will be Hannook ATM"s
also kep in mind real aggressive MUD like treads DON"T work as well in hard pack snow or ice, even if they look more aggressive,
as the more edges the better when it comes to hard pack snow and ice
and why true Snow tires are not big void deep tread tires, they work on softer rubber to grip on lots of small edges
but why true snow tires don't last long in summer time, soft rubber, hot pavement, equals fast tire wear