UCLEAR Communicators.


New member
Anyone use these? Just was watching Sled Head 24/7 on TV and they were featured. I've used collett for years but they are getting old and have been having problems and kind of getting tired of all the wires/battery/plug in issues.


I looked into them as I use chatterbox communicators today. I contacted the company about if they work with the Ski Doo BV2S helmet. They told me hey are currently testing them and not having good results yet. So it depends on what type of helmet you have. I use a BV2S and a MX helmet so I need the communicator to work with both.


New member
Scala G9 is the way to go. They are much smaller than the Collet's, and are blue tooth to your phone, IPOD, GPS, etc. They plug into a USB port to charge and last 12+ hours. It takes some fine tuning to get the VOX set up right, and all the commands are either voice activated, or by using the buttons on the side of the unit. Speakers are extra loud, and people can't tell you're on a sled while talking on the phone or intercom. No wires or battery packs to worry about. I never did get the Collet's to work right 100% of the time. And you can have up to 8 people in your group, but no groomer beacon in the G9.