UMPMI & WI Northwoods Spring & Meltdown?


Well-known member
Are you seeing any break in the cold temps 1-7 or 8-14 days out or so? The sun gets high in the sky but nightime temps are well below 32F so the melt has been very slow. I have my doubts that ice will be out for the WI fishing opener & when the snow does melt we are going to have massive runoff. Usually meltdown is not that exciting but this year look out there will be flooding! What do you think?


Staff member
Well, this breaks the rules of no specific forecast questions, but the short answer is: No. I see no change in the pattern to break the current below average temp regime and even the potential for a pretty big snow storm for parts of the WI and UP Northwoods later Wed-later Thur.

I agree that the dice are getting loaded in favor of some pretty serious flooding.



Well-known member
Thanks John
Pay back for early Spring last year lastest Spring for me in 10 years of living up north & there have been some late ones!lol


Got 4 inches of wet heavy slop last night. Fargo got about twice that much. Planets aligning for massive Red River Valley flooding. Already a lot later than last big flood in '97. May crests are usually very bad. Went to Lake of The Woods yesterday. Not a hint of spring. It looks like the middle of January. Ice thickness 4 feet in some places. Fishing opener less than 4 weeks now. Working on my 7th month of burning wood. Odd year.