uneven carbide wear


New member
2001 indy, edge 500. I have not noticed this before but it seems the front leading edge of my carbides are taking the most abuse. I know there are 3 or four ways to make ski pressure adjustment. Both carbides had even wear but the front leading edge was toast way before the middle or the rear pad. Things to look at?


New member
take the limiter strap off and keep the skis in the air!!!! Well until you get to the tree it will be fun. Put that thing on some concrete and see what it looks like from the side. If the un-even part is flat on the floor and the good part (back part) is in the air you have to much front pressure on your skis. You can do a few things to adjust this but the easiest would be to shim the ski. You can go to bergstroms web site or totally yamaha and do a search and it will show you how to do this. It is a little strange that you would have that much wear on the front and not notice that thing darting pretty bad. How did it handle when the skags were good?? Were they really cheap skags by chance??


New member
call scott bergstrom ,he has made a study out of carbide wear and adjustments. dont have his number but he is located in Rockford ILL.


New member
The softer steel of the host bar will often wear away before the carbide, and since the front is the part that hits the snow/dirt first, it wears away the fastest. I have seen several sets of runners where there was plenty of good carbide left, but the host bar was worn away to the point that there was nothing really there to hold them to the ski. I personally like the shapers by Stud Boy. Some think they are too agressive, but I get 5000-6000 miles out of them, and thats in southern Mich. I ride all sorts of snow, dirt, roads, cornfields, whatever. They last for me. (Ski Doo REV 500ss-'04 and an '08 TNT)


x2 on the Bergstrom system. Ski alignment and shims make a night and day difference. Don't know why I waited so long to try it. Darting was reduced by an honest 90%. Amazing what a fresh alignment and 1/4" hunk of plastic will do.


New member
Woodys trailblazers. Sled sees alot of rocks and road edges and the garage has a mean concrete edge. Thanks for the suggestions I will look closer and see if shims will help. I have a feeling jimfsr is right. Under the snow in my area is a giant sandbox!


New member
This is a common problem with the 01 & 02's. Take the ski off, put a 1" by 1/8" shim under the back of the ski rubber. The carbide will now wear even.