UP Fall Colors Timing this year?


New member
Whats the best guess out there on the dates for the fall colors peak this year in the Western UP??



As in most years I would guess the last week(s) of Sept or the first week(s) of Oct. I always go up Columbus weekend, Oct 8th this year, and we are usually at the tail end of the color change. Some years we hit peak, other years the leaves are gone after a high wind. Most years it is the case if the color is not good where you are just drive around a bit, you will find some good color.


New member
The dry summer will likely push it up a week or so this year. Not necessarily the color, but the life of the leaves. It's been so dry here in central WI that a lot of the leaves have already fallen off the trees. Kinda sucks, I could rake my back yard already!