UP riding Wednesday 4th- Saturday 7th


Looking over my options got two other guys coming with me we are leaning towards northern mn but I have not been UP in probably 15 years and have only been twice ever we stayed in Greenland once and Houghton once, conditions seem like there getting thin everywhere how is the UP holding up, if based around greenland twin lakes is it good south and north? Can you get across the bridge in Houghton or is it better off trailering somewhere to park then riding to copper harbor for the day? Any honest opinions on the trail conditions would be greatly appreciated wide area please. Another question is which trail is the lake of the clouds trail? How's that? thank yoy

Deleted member 10829

I haven't been UP there since January but I can answer the Lake of the Clouds trail question. It is Trail #1 up to LOC. You can get there from Bergland up trail 1 through Silver City or 102 up to 11 to 1 right at the lake up to LOC. I just checked GroomerTracker and they are grooming 102 right now. I'm guessing conditions will be decent but pretty warm temps coming up before you get up there. Good luck!


Active member
I’m in Presque Isle, Wisconsin riding. I can tell you firsthand trails overall are pretty darn good. Suppose to be 35 today. In the 40s tomorrow. If trails are good here they are certainly a little better in the U.P. And those are the reports I’m getting. NOW.....very heavy traffic up here and with it getting warm, trails are going to degrade quickly. Is it thin? Yes! Towns are rough getting through. No snow in the forecast up here. I’m going out on a limb here and say the U.P. Is going to be OK. For this area.....I think these trails will be toast after tomorrow.......just my opinion but being honest.