UP Trip Part 1


Had a great trip up north last weekend; cleaned up from the storm, got some firewood from Lenny and got some good riding in. The Gogebic area is now past peak, the strong winds downed some trees and blew many of the leaves off the trees. Heading up again Weds evening so more to come.
1) Tree down near Bergland
2) Color in the Bergland area (not representative of the overall leaf drop)
3) Color south of Rockland
4) Color near Rockland
5) View from the Fire Steel bridge

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A few more

1) Another view from Fire Steel bridge
2) Area unknown
3) Logging stuff is cool
4) A well earned dinner after a 115 mile day.

I will bring a real camera for the next trip, the iPhone doesn't do the colors justice.

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Active member
Looks like you had awesome weather! Thanks for the pics. Maybe not as good from the i-phone but still good. Bet that beer tasted good while grillin those hunks o meat! :)


Thanks for coming along Todd. I think 112 miles on an Atv in one day is my limit. Why are 300 mile days on sleds easier than that was?


wow, those stakes and incredible. 115 miles is big time miles. Nice pics from the firesteel, just a few miles from my house