Update 2.5.2021


The John Dee Stimulus Fundraiser is continuing to roll.... coming down the homestretch with one week to go.

To date we have the following:
(24) Applications
$23,755 raised in donations: https://givebutter.com/JDSP2021
$6,740 in bids on the online silent auction: https://airauctioneer.com/john-dee-stimulus-project-auction

Please, encourage you friends and family to support this great cause today!
Hope to see everyone next week for the ride.
Get out and support you're local businesses.... no matter where you're from.


Update: 2.8.21

First round of winning bids are in.... Stihl Chainsaw, Fly Racing Stools, FXR Helmet, and Fly Racing Pit Coat are sold! Other items will be bid until the end of the week.

Donations: https://givebutter.com/JDSP2021
Online silent auction: https://airauctioneer.com/john-dee-s...roject-auction

JD says the cold temps will warm slightly for this coming weekend. Should be IDEAL conditions for the ride on Saturday.... Hope to see you there.... We'll have drawings and giveaways. Come get a JDSP 2021 logo sled sticker - available at all 3 dealers day of the ride!


Well-known member
Just wanted to say thank you for starting this Fundraiser as I know it's a lot of work that goes into it.

If you are ever over in Manitowish Waters, let me know and I'll buy you a couple of beers or whatever you drink.


Just wanted to say thank you for starting this Fundraiser as I know it's a lot of work that goes into it.

If you are ever over in Manitowish Waters, let me know and I'll buy you a couple of beers or whatever you drink.

Thanks pclark!
I posed an idea, the JD.com community made it happen. The group working on this project has been amazing. Knowledgeable, hard working, selfless. We've all agreed this has been one of the best things we've done in our lives... Incredibly rewarding. The countless positive stories that have come out of this journey has really been enjoyable. Hearing the struggles from the businesses, and knowing we are going to be making a difference, is awesome.
From the smallest donations to the biggest checkbooks... the donations and support have been tremendous. A group of college kids donating an impressive amount. People donating in memorium of loved ones. Donations coming in from across the country (snowbirds I suppose). And being recognized by the corporations we support. Each one has been impactful.
Really looking forward to Saturday when we can get together, enjoy each other's company and the sport that brought us all together!

If you see these folks online or in person on Saturday, be sure to thank them! They've sacrificed time and money to make this project a success!
John Dee, Kip from Pat's, Chad from M&M, Mark from Timberline, 4Kops, Bayfly (and his son Alec), euphoric1, WorkHardPlayHrd, slimcake, and Sledhead!


Thanks Sean you said it best this has been incredible. What a "pay it forward" idea. Things like this for a such a great cause isn't really work it is alot of fun. One of the great thing is meeting new people this group Sean put together are great great people. Talking to business owners in the UP I deeply know every last one really appreciate this. Just knowing that you helped someone in need really makes a person feel good. Can't wait to ride this weekend. Hopefully find some fresh powder. Anybody that hasn't donated please do so. All these places are places that you and me rely on to stop and get food drink warm up go to the bathroom. You will sleep better tonight if you donate.


How will we know who the JDers are? Name tags? I would like to meet them.

Good question 800etec.... No plan for name tags. I'd encourage everyone picking up a JDSP logo sled sticker or two to identify each other. I have mine on either side of my sled right behind my MN registration sticker and numbers.

I'll be in all black Klim gear. Keweenaw parka and Klim bibs. Grey Klim boots.
I ride a 2016 Polaris Rush Pro S Black/Grey/Red color scheme... Red skis and belly.
If you start at M&M and see some Michigan Tech Football players... ask them to point me out... one of them will be my oldest kid.
Worst comes to worst...if you see someone fitting that description, yell out for "Stench" or "Sean" I'll answer to either.
Looking forward to meeting as many JD'ers as possible..... Mighty fine people!


Sounds good Stench! I want to thank ALL that have put this together! It is a great thing! And thanks John Dee for this wonderful site!