User name ??



I see that my full name get's used when I post sometime. not my user name but now I notice one time that my user name got use in the posting. So what one is really the one that get's used for posting?????????


New member
I am not sure why this happens, but have a suspicion that it has something to do with the way the programs creates and looks for cookies on your computer.

I will look into this a bit further as I know it has been a problem since the board went to profiles being required for posting. In the mean time you can do an end around and edit your profile to change your full name to what ever you want displayed.



New member
JOHN- normally when i post in the area conditions part of the message board my user name comes up and when i post everywhere else my name comes up. Well just a few seconds ago my user name came up for the first time in the off topic section. Just thought i would let you know.

David S


Yep, thanks to "Average Joe", I was given the tip to have usernames show up rather than full names, so everyone can now put their full name back in their profile if they want.

Bottom line is, the username will appear in the posting and not the full name.

Thanks Joe!




You cannot change usernames. Not sure why, but that is the way the board works.



New member
hi john im experiencing the same problem,,not that it matters just figured i would let you know...thanks,,Alden Cost