Using plat books to find off trail riding


This may be a sill question but I don't know the answer so here goes.

I get my plat books and find some areas I would like to ride in. Now what? Do you always have to contact the owner to request permission or are there certain owners (state, county, paper / lumber companies, etc) that you are allowed to ride without making contact? I have never seen a plat book so I don't even know for sure what I would be looking at or for.



what i understand is you look for state land. any other property you'd need to contact the land owner before hand. i'd like to know too, mine is just a guess.

Cat Woman

New member
For those who have never viewed a plat book before this is a sample of what they look like. Like others have mentioned the book only lists the name of the entity who owns the property, you have to do the research on how to contact that party. I does not give addresses, phone numbers, etc. Being an out of towner that may be a tough task as that usually means going down to the recorders office of the county that you are researching. Unless of course you know people who know people. :)



New member
Eyeman, They change every year and cost around 30 bucks for each county. Where did you find one from the 30's ?
That would be neat to see one that old.