VA Eagle mom deceased


Active member
Ok, this is for all of us that follow the VA eagles and the IA eagles.

I got my mom hooked on this and she called me tonight to ask me if I'd heard about the VA eagle mom...told her no, hadn't had a chance to go there today.

SAD SAD SAD SAD - looks like the VA mom got hit by a plane today. Her previous male partner died from the same thing - per my mom per the moderators they liked to hang out by the airport.

The fact that she has not been at the nest since this morning and the markings of the deceased eagle's match looks like our poor little VA eagle's have lost their mom.

Hate to get all goofy - but I'm so SAD!

Let's go DAD with getting them where they need to be so they can survive out of the nest!


Active member
They made the decision this morning to remove the VA eaglets to a facility so they can raise them in an enclosure and hopefully release them in the wild this summer. Concerns that the dad wouldn't be able to keep up with the food they'd require...especially as they get bigger and require even more food.

So sad... :(


Well-known member
I was pretty bummed when I heard this. It's way too easy to get involved in the life of these families.

I'm glad they decided to raise the little ones in captivity. It's some consolation that they'll be OK but it's still sad that they won't be raised by their parents.


Active member
skiroule - just sad to see an empty nest now after I watched day after day. Silly to humanize the event...but what the heck must the dad be thinking? He fed them last night and this morning and now they're gone? Guess he was with the mom when she got hit by the plane.

So bummed! (stupid birds!? :( )


New member
Oh no!!!!! I am a follower of the Iowa and Virginia eagles. How sad!!! I just got home from work and went to see how the eagles/eaglets/Lily, Hope and Faith are doing and just found out about the Virginia mom eagle. This is not the first time that I heard about a bird getting caught into a planes engine. I believe that happened to one of the birds from the Kodak Tower cam a few years back.


Active member
I heard about an eagle/plane issue the other day but did not think it was the one that I have been following for years now. So I checked today as was surprised to find an empty nest. What a bummer, figures, this week has been a let down so far...


Active member
racerx - sorry it added to a crap day! It WAS sad to see the empty nest - and I just started watching them this I can't imagine if had been watching for years!! :(


New member
This is terrible! I haven't been on here in a few days, and to see this right away... breaks my heart. It was sooo cool watching the little ones grow, and both parents taking such wonderful care of them. Very sad :(


Active member
The dad stopped by with a fish yesterday after they were already removed from the nest. Left the fish. Then stopped back by to pick up the fish. :)

Geez, I could see papa coming back and saying. " What the...where did everyone go", makes ya think what would they think or feel.

I'm hoping a pair finds ends up there next year but I wonder since it was the same pair for a few years if it is a "family" nest that gets abandoned when the pair is split up.


Active member
racerx - the moderators were VERY cool to try and answer questions just like that. Per the experts, he was probably confused at first about where the eaglets were but then he'll just get down to the business of being a bird of prey. He'll most likely find a mate when the time comes this fall cuz he's such a handsome, healthy dude. And it's a complete unknown if he would use that nest again. Building the nest is a bonding process between mates and males and females both pick the spot for the nest.


Active member
windingtrailgal...thanx for the info. I kind of figured the nest was a "pair" thing. I'm sure something will use it someday.


Active member
The poor Wildlife Ctr of Virginia that now has the eaglets - their computer systems are just overwhelmed with all of the fans from Norfolk BG.

But...the eaglets are in their new enclosure with their nice huge nest and are doing well.

If you wanted an update!? ;)