Was real nice when i was up in nw Ontario,you can ride anywhere on crown land as long as you wear a helmet, are registered and insured except main highways like 17/11 ,you can ride on smaller blacktop like 586,588. you can ride in the ditches on main hwy. lots of old roads ,trails,beaverdams,skidder trails,portage trails,mining roads. lots of mud,lots of clay and bog In Vilas county I get to use my registered atv in my yard,or for ice fishing if I unload it on the ice or trailer to Land-Lakes for 600 ft trail that gets old in a hurry!DNR master plan to make this a wilderness area with wolves and bears! State must really be short of cash as they are logging the crap out of Vilas county even logging to the edge of Trout Lake and threatning the natural lake trout population by causing runoff with no silt fences or stop measures in place. looks worse than if a forest fire went through!