Vilas - South/Central : Thurs - Sunday



Two of 3 weather services I look at have Conover for 1-3" Thursday night, another 1-3" Saturday during the day, and 5-8" at night. High now only 34 Saturday, 33 Friday. 15 Fri night.
Rules against posting other forecasts, so I won't get specific, but you can find them. JD is showing the heavier snow to the west - Iron/Bayfield. Should I or shouldn't I.


Guaranteed you'll still be asking yourself that same question in June if you don't go! GO!



Well-known member
Didn't you already cancel Eagle River this weekend?

I'd wait until there is at least another foot, and everything is groomed perfectly. :fatigue:


Didn't you already cancel Eagle River this weekend?

I'd wait until there is at least another foot, and everything is groomed perfectly. :fatigue:

Have my own place up there....with heat running. I can UN-cancel at a moments notice...except for that $4300 tax bill to the feds dampening my enthusiasm.
Thanks for your serious opinion.


Well-known member
Have my own place up there....with heat running. I can UN-cancel at a moments notice...except for that $4300 tax bill to the feds dampening my enthusiasm.
Thanks for your serious opinion.

Nice - then what are you waiting for? How many more weeks do you think we have here?? Gotta go while there's snow!!!


Well-known member
Holly T reporting fair ER conditions and she has been right on all season. I lost touch on conditions and heavy heavy traffic Pday weekend then fizzler storms that dropped 1.5 inch of crusty snow that may not help much. Son inlaw not impressed with Phelps conditions over the weekend said nothing but snirt on all trails if you like that stuff and many do? ...IDK.... I'll poke around after lunch no big plans just to know here we are now in my area and can measure my expectations if we get new snow. In any event this weekend will be rideable and many think that is good enough for The season is winding down might get better might get MUCH worse March has not been good in Vilas for many yeras now imo. Who knows I might ride this weekend if we get snow? I do understand your concerns I have them too.


Thanks 'Dusty....let me know. I'm on the fence about this one, but leaving for Key West in 10 days for a week has me thinking if I don't go, I'm probably done this year unless I'm riding 3/17 which is doubtful.
I know Holly has been right on, and I know it's not good now - question is - will it be, with the next series of snow events.


New member
I just got back from Vilas Cty from last 4 days.
Trails are snirty central and east. White north and west.
Go while you can, it will be over soon.
I also rode all over Irin Cty. Lots of snow there.


Well-known member
Thanks 'Dusty....let me know. I'm on the fence about this one, but leaving for Key West in 10 days for a week has me thinking if I don't go, I'm probably done this year unless I'm riding 3/17 which is doubtful.
I know Holly has been right on, and I know it's not good now - question is - will it be, with the next series of snow events.

Yeah same here don't know future snow has been not happening had not snowed in 14 days when we had 1.5 inch. Easy for me I wake up look outside and can pretty much know what to expect. Son in law family owns local bar/grill... riders came in said conditions were good... lol... He came over to our place laughed said these peeps have no idea what is good conditions!! I have to agree but don't really care it is all about what I think and you think is good ,fair or poor. 100 sleds were stacked up at bar and that never happens unless more fun riding bar stool than sled no matter what peeps


Well-known member
Thanks 'Dusty....let me know. I'm on the fence about this one, but leaving for Key West in 10 days for a week has me thinking if I don't go, I'm probably done this year unless I'm riding 3/17 which is doubtful.
I know Holly has been right on, and I know it's not good now - question is - will it be, with the next series of snow events.

Holly is always honest, I pick her report up off, maybe she should be coaxed onto this site as it clearly gets more "clicks" than Snowtracks.



Well-known member
Holly is always honest, I pick her report up off, maybe she should be coaxed onto this site as it clearly gets more "clicks" than Snowtracks.


Yeppers I check Holly on Snowtracks every morning as she updates early each day and she has been right on all season! If you know Holly she has and is doing so much for Snowmobiling in Vilas that many don't realize.


Well-known member
Ok xxx007 I rode about 100 miles after lunch and was super impressed with trail conditions from Phelps 6E/W ,10E/W to MI 15S. Groomed flat and fast no ice in corners seamless conditions to IR. WOW was I surprised how white it was looked like we had 6 inches of freshy. Traffic was light too but there was traffic coming and going. Uturned back and I was surprised on return that the snow had moved around so much with so little traffic so the ribbon must not be setting up for some reason but 14F when I left. I won't ride again until Friday supposed to snow Thursday night and I want to get on some grades in the UP to connect with 15n thru some FRs so parked Thursday. Buddy from Sayner did a loop thru Conover and he said very good too. Wild card now is these weak storms in forecast may turn to freezing rain or sleet during the weekend according NBC Rhinelander. Today, Thursday and Friday trails north and east in Vilas are very good traffic is light. Do what you think is best for you, ride early, pick routes that are usually better than others hope for little to no rain or sleet...enjoy.


Well the services I watch have not backed off much, 3-6" (57%) Thursday into Friday, and then 5-8 for Saturday night. Evening start which I don't like, but not my rules. 100% Saturday - snow. Temps backed off too...34 Saturday my big worry. One site has 2-4 on Saturday night only. 2 sites agree on the 1st numbers. Let's see what John says tomorrow. I want to see him move this system east a bit. Thanks for the report.


Well-known member
Well the services I watch have not backed off much, 3-6" (57%) Thursday into Friday, and then 5-8 for Saturday night. Evening start which I don't like, but not my rules. 100% Saturday - snow. Temps backed off too...34 Saturday my big worry. One site has 2-4 on Saturday night only. 2 sites agree on the 1st numbers. Let's see what John says tomorrow. I want to see him move this system east a bit. Thanks for the report.

Temp forecast good here for riding until Tuesday then a thaw pushing 40s...not good.:(


17 more months and I can be there and chase the storms as they come, with no worries about going back to work. Livin the dream - like u.


Active member
I took a ride on Monday afternoon from lando down to K and around Conover and other than the bit of icing on the shields we were surprised that it was pretty decent for the most part. Could it be better, sure but there was enough snow for lube. Some friends went north to just past Sidnaw and said that was better. I would go again this weekend if I could but I would not go much further south.

Snow Posse

New member
Eagle River, St Germain, Sayner, Star Lake, Conover

Rode about 90 miles today, Sayner & Star Lake were rough, – St. Germain, Conover & Eagle River were really nice. I was riding our old school Viper, it was a blast except the 10-12 miles of rough & dirty we hit. I did manage to blow 2 old belts today thank goodness I had stopped to buy a new one in between, better buy another tomorrow.
For more pics:




New member
Whitedust is right about Holly, she never stops with the snowmobiling stuff. Snow-Eagles Club, Eagle River Chamber of Commerce, Wisc Snowmobile Assc, Snowtracks, etc. She's a peach.