Vintage Sleds


Deleted member 10829

I look forward to this forum!

BTW I'm looking for a rideable 1976-1978 TX if anyone has one.


Active member
I could use some trail arms for an '86 Indy 400. My are rusted through the bottoms. They don't have to be for a 400 but I'll like them clean without rust. I believe '87's would work too. I starting to restore the sled.

Annnd thanks John.


New member
John, just what we needed. My brother is a vintage sled guru, era 1968-1988. He has everything and anything of that era. He is mostly buys from auctions and sells mainly on Repocast. If anyone needs anything vintage I will hook you up with him. He goes by "Pirate Salvage". He has all the hard to find stuff and knows what it is worth.


Well-known member
I am a Scorpion guy. Have been my whole life. Have been on them from the time I was born.

I have my dads old Sidewinder up on the table to work on now, as I have time. It needs alot, but I hope to restore that one to new condition. I am kinda looking for an '80 TK and maybe an '80 Whip for little trail rides around home. Would also like an early model Scorpion, like in the '66 year range. Nothing that I'm in a hurry for, but if the right one came around.


Well-known member
Looking forward to seeing if anyone has a projects going this summer. The 440 TX is on the agenda for me and will be pretty much a complete tear-down (there is a photo of it on the “Blue Windshield” video). Right now I’m accumulating parts - picked up a second motor (which may end up in the sled if it runs as good as the seller claims) and have a nice set of skis/spindles on the way. Also have some of the harder to find items: new vacuum formed seat cover, new winshield and trim, new headlight grille, and new spring glides. Big ticket items left are a new hood and new decals. Not sure about the track yet but am going to try to get a new one for one of the sleds and use the best remaining one for the other. All depends on the cash flow situation.

The 340 gets new drive sprockets, which are pretty badly worn, and new shaft bearings. Other than that, just a carb cleaning and I think it’s ready for action again.

Will start posting some photos of the 440 once I get started on it for real. Who knows, I might not wait until late fall to start on this one, although planning ahead isn’t my strongest quality. My biggest problem right now is I need to start unloading some sleds so I have some working room. Looks like I’m going to have to part with my beloved Summit so it may very well show up in the ads in a few weeks.


New member
I am a Scorpion guy. Have been my whole life. Have been on them from the time I was born.

I have my dads old Sidewinder up on the table to work on now, as I have time. It needs alot, but I hope to restore that one to new condition. I am kinda looking for an '80 TK and maybe an '80 Whip for little trail rides around home. Would also like an early model Scorpion, like in the '66 year range. Nothing that I'm in a hurry for, but if the right one came around.
I had a blast on my 81 Scorpion 440 sting. Big problem with trying to restore the later scorpions is that the cuyuna motors were heavily sought after motors for ultralights. Owning a 81 Scorpion was the closest to riding a cat I ever got to. Those who know Cat and Scorpion history know what I am talking about. I have about 6 pair of vintage Scorpion socks and 2 mid seventies moss covered hulks with Scorpion nameplates just rotting away under the pine trees.


Active member
Looking forward to seeing if anyone has a projects going this summer. The 440 TX is on the agenda for me and will be pretty much a complete tear-down (there is a photo of it on the “Blue Windshield” video). Right now I’m accumulating parts - picked up a second motor (which may end up in the sled if it runs as good as the seller claims) and have a nice set of skis/spindles on the way. Also have some of the harder to find items: new vacuum formed seat cover, new winshield and trim, new headlight grille, and new spring glides. Big ticket items left are a new hood and new decals. Not sure about the track yet but am going to try to get a new one for one of the sleds and use the best remaining one for the other. All depends on the cash flow situation.

The 340 gets new drive sprockets, which are pretty badly worn, and new shaft bearings. Other than that, just a carb cleaning and I think it’s ready for action again.

Will start posting some photos of the 440 once I get started on it for real. Who knows, I might not wait until late fall to start on this one, although planning ahead isn’t my strongest quality. My biggest problem right now is I need to start unloading some sleds so I have some working room. Looks like I’m going to have to part with my beloved Summit so it may very well show up in the ads in a few weeks.

Guess I need to get off my butt and start working on mine!
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Team Elkhorn

I've been wanting to get back into vintage sleds for years. I had a whole list of sleds from my childhood in my bucket list. But I had limited time and space to tinker. So I needed a sled that ran and looked pretty good already. New sleds are so expensive now, so I was waxing nostalgic for the old days when the manufacturers offered inexpensive entry level sleds you could buy new, instead of buying someone else's used problems on a limited budget. We were a Cat family growing up. So the first sled that came to mind was an AC Lynx. Back in the day they cost $999 new. A sled doesn't get much more simple. Air cooled (no fan) premix gas, one shock on the whole sled. (The ski shocks were even an option). It took me a few years of looking but I finally found an unmolested one last summer. It runs and looks great. And sips fuel. Someone really took care of it over the years. I'm slowly going through the sled fixing minor stuff. Kill switch, shocks, etc. Even added the front shocks.:) This summer I'll dig deeper and check the bearings and stuff. The good news, its a blast to ride. The bad news, even in its day, it wasn't the best riding sled. Especially compared to my newer Cat-illac. When I hear guys bragging about riding big miles today, it cracks me up. Back in the 70s a 100 mile day was a real accomplishment.;)
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Rupp Collector

Active member
I look forward to this forum!

BTW I'm looking for a rideable 1976-1978 TX if anyone has one.

Let me know exactly what you're looking for. Between myself and a friend we have several. The very nice ones will cost you some coin though. I've got 5 myself, but I'm a ways away too.

Deleted member 10829

Let me know exactly what you're looking for. Between myself and a friend we have several. The very nice ones will cost you some coin though. I've got 5 myself, but I'm a ways away too.

I sent you a PM.


New member
Kawasaki invader/intercepter guy myself.Always looking for a part here or there .If you have something I may be interested


Well-known member
John, just what we needed. My brother is a vintage sled guru, era 1968-1988. He has everything and anything of that era. He is mostly buys from auctions and sells mainly on Repocast. If anyone needs anything vintage I will hook you up with him. He goes by "Pirate Salvage". He has all the hard to find stuff and knows what it is worth.

Wayne, does your brother have a website or contact info. The link you have posted in sleds for sale comes up empty on the e-bay store.



New member
Wayne, does your brother have a website or contact info. The link you have posted in sleds for sale comes up empty on the e-bay store.


He is a little rough around the edges, Cash talks with him. No credit. Here's his number 616-897-5438 his name is Dave. no web site, Word of mouth, He keeps a low profile, has millions of parts all marked and in bins. He knows his stuff. I dilley dallied around and he sold the 72 Poo Colt 175 he found and restored to mint condition for me. Just giving you a heads up. Once your his friend your his friend for life. Vintage sleds is his life and he takes it serious has no time for tire kickers. Give him a call! He is the ACE Hardware guy of snowmobile parts. era 1966-to early 90's.