Waterproofing Snowmobile Covers


New member
What has anyone found good success to spray on covers to make them more water resistent or even better waterproof. And where did you purchase it? My covers are in good shape, but after hours on the road during bad conditions, I still find salt water getting into the hood, etc.


New member
What has anyone found good success to spray on covers to make them more water resistent or even better waterproof. And where did you purchase it? My covers are in good shape, but after hours on the road during bad conditions, I still find salt water getting into the hood, etc.

Not all covers are created equal, Canvas covers and nylon covers both take different waterproofings to be effective. 303 Fabric Guard makes fantastic waterproofing. West Marine, star bright also work well. read the label before you spray, some fabrics do not want you to use silicone based waterproofing others want it. The generic stuff the big box stores sell doesn't last long. Another, "You get what you pay for type item."
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