Watersmeet area


Active member
Are trails in the Watersmeet area still Ok? Was hoping for one last ride wed-Saturday

They are today but they do have some water spots. All depends on what happens on Wednesday, 39 today and again tomorrow with some rain could bring back some bare spots. Forecasting cold and snow the rest of the week. I'm waiting for Wednesday to see what kinda of snow we get. 5-4" and we should be good for the weekend
They are today but they do have some water spots. All depends on what happens on Wednesday, 39 today and again tomorrow with some rain could bring back some bare spots. Forecasting cold and snow the rest of the week. I'm waiting for Wednesday to see what kinda of snow we get. 5-4" and we should be good for the weekend

If the weekend temps of mid 40's turns out to be true, good luck.