watersmeet casino


New member
We're planning a trip and have stayed here before and found it to be a OK spot to stay. But seems as though I remember reading that some sleds or truck and trailers were stolen from there. Now I know this can happen anywhere just not wild about heading somewhere that has been having a problem. If anyone has any info I would appreciate you passing it along thanks.


Well-known member
Way over reading into it like you said things happen but I've not heard of many or any problems. I have a friend that is a tribal police officer there and he hasn't said of any problems. Someone on another thread said they had a bag or something taken but every year someone has a story of things taken but no major problems at casino, now I still wouldn't leave the keys in my sled but that's just me.


New member
Have stayed there dozen of times and never have had an issue. Even when leaving the truck/trailer there for several nights while saddlebagging.


Well-known member
pay your insurance, stay in peace and if something happens post like h.ell on every website in snowmobile country.


New member
We have stayed a few times and never had any issues. Lock your sleds to the trailer or chain them down. Most people would just move on if it's too much work or time consuming to steal something. I wouldn't worry honestly.


Well-known member
If 10,000 sleds park there, out in the open, with a candy bar in the storage, like we did backpacking, and don't get messed with
and maybe one does,....do you steer clear?