We Finally Did It!!


New member
We finally made it up here, and THIS time it's not just on vacation! The hubby and I are finally getting to live our dream of LIVING in the U.P.!!! Over the last week we have been boxing up everything,:( (didn't know we owned so much crap), loaded up a giant moving truck last thurs. & fri. , and drove 10 hours on Sat. Our new location is Marquette, and it is awesome!! It feels so good to finally "be home". Well my break is over and I need to get back to un-packing some more. Hope everyone has an awesome day, I know I'm gona!!!! ;)


Well-known member
Awesome to see you getting up there and living the dream. ;)

BTW, most of us never realize how much stuff we have until we move.


New member
Nice! Welcome to the UP! Marquette is the best bet as far as work go"s. I moved to the far western UP 2 years ago and would never move back. Share pics if you can.


New member
Awesome to see you getting up there and living the dream. ;)

BTW, most of us never realize how much stuff we have until we move.

Amazing how much of that "STUFF" we really don't need. A word to help you guys out who move, let the wife decide what stays and what goes. You will live longer and stay married longer. (note: this does not include garage stuff).


New member
Thank you for the welcomes! Now it's off to the sec. of state & get the license fixed up, then to the grocery store. Oh and I need to stop long enough to stick a toe in Lake Superior! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!;)


New member
You will love Marquette. I have lived in Ishpeming and also on West Bass Lake outside if gwinn. I worked construction (iron worker) at Empire and Tilden mines. That is some beautiful country up there. All of my relatives are from that area. Stuck in Illinois for the past 30+ years. I hope to make it home some day. ENJOY!!!!


New member


Active member
Congrats on the move! I'm way jelous!

Arcticgeorge, Those plates are killer! I would have thought that would've been taken already.


Active member
Congrats!!! One of these days we will be there too!

PS: if you see a little white ranger stepside up there causing any kinda trouble its my son, go give him a Bip in the back of the head and tell him I have eyes everywhere watchin him!

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New member
The family and I made the big move to the UP over 2 years ago.Took a huge pay cut to get here but then again I don't have a $2000.00 house payment anymore. So it works out well. We don't regret it one bit.


New member
Hope to be moving up there [Ironwood] within the next 3 months---retiring. Kids and grandkids in the area and looking forward to lots of snow and meeting some of you JD people.


Well-known member
Hope to be moving up there [Ironwood] within the next 3 months---retiring. Kids and grandkids in the area and looking forward to lots of snow and meeting some of you JD people.

ndrev, we need to stay in touch. I also have family members in the U.P. and travel through Ironwood on a fairly regular basis. Maybe we can get a ride in once you're settled in up there.

Snowdancer, congratulations! Marquette is pretty cool. My daughter and grandkids have lived in the Marquette area for a little over ten years (moved there from Calumet). Marquette pretty much has it all: great scenery, affordable housing, all the major retail chains, excellent medical facilities, NMU, and Lake Effect!

and let's not forget Marquette Meats - it's a must stop on every trip up.


New member
Congrats on the move! I'm way jelous!

Arcticgeorge, Those plates are killer! I would have thought that would've been taken already.
..........Me too even the lady's at the DMV couldnt believe those plates were available either.
They may have been taken before but if you dont renew your plates within a certain time period they can be given to somebody else. .......Jakester, do it! I'm from Fox Lake too. I make less than half of what i did in Illinois as a brick/stone mason but i too dont have a house payment, just taxes in the summer and a very small winter tax,(I dont even know why they split it cause it's such a small percentage of the bill in the winter) The tax on my one extra empty lot is like $6 on the winter tax bill.
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