Weather from the South


New member
I live and work in Toronto, Ontario and have a cottage 150 miles north

The prevailing winds used to be from the north / northwest.

For the past few years, I've noticed winds from the south at both office (flagpole) and cottage (flagpole and smoke from campfire).

Is there a source to confirm this? ie Is there data indicating that winds have shifted.

This is simply an observation. I first noticed it after Hurricane Katrina, when we received a blast of hot air from the south. It's been pretty consistent since then.

Gone are the days of cold winds from the north.


Staff member
I am sure there has to be a source for historic wind data for the areas you are interested in, but finding such data here in the states is a challenge enough and I would not even know where to begin to look for it in what Environment Canada has.

I can say this that if or when you do find the actual data, I think you will be surprised to find that there really has not been as much of a change as you think. Humans memories are a weird thing in that we have a tendency to remember some things and not others and then when we are given the facts to look at, is surprises us. That's not to say that you have been seen more southerly winds than usual in the last year or so, but to say that the northerly winds of the past are gone would probably be a bit of an overstatement.

Good luck in your searches!
