Weather Pattern Longevity


New member
What's the longest consistent weather pattern that you can recall? We've been in the deep-freeze with a strong northwest flow for several days, and it looks like it will be with us for several more days. When it's all said and done, the pattern will last two weeks or so. I know we've had much longer unchanged patterns. Does that miserable summer of 1988 come to mind? It seems like it started hot and dry and stayed that way all summer. Is it more likely that an extreme summer pattern will remain unchanged as opposed to an extreme winter pattern?


Staff member
I guess a lot of it would depend on your definition of the pattern not changing. In reality, the pattern is always changing and things today in the upper air flow across North America are noticeably different from those just a few days ago. I am not trying to be a wise guy here, just trying to establish some ground rules.

So with that said, allowing for some differences to occur on a day to day basis, but in general keeping the same general flow in place I would have to say about 3 months is the longest I have seen the pattern be in one general position. It has actually happened several times and the summer of 1988 is one of those periods.



New member
I guess a lot of it would depend on your definition of the pattern not changing. In reality, the pattern is always changing and things today in the upper air flow across North America are noticeably different from those just a few days ago. I am not trying to be a wise guy here, just trying to establish some ground rules.

So with that said, allowing for some differences to occur on a day to day basis, but in general keeping the same general flow in place I would have to say about 3 months is the longest I have seen the pattern be in one general position. It has actually happened several times and the summer of 1988 is one of those periods.


Thanks John. I'm talking about a general pattern understanding that there will be changes, but overall, a single pattern dominates for an extended period of time.