Weather System Movement


Hello John,

I have a question for you.
I have been watching weather system movement patterns forever. This past year things where different and still remain different. I know this movement is caused by the flow of the jet stream and this is where things look strange. Instead of the normal west to east movement I am seeing more south to north movement of the jet stream.

I not seeing the storm systems hitting the Washington and California coast, dipping south then back north and traveling across the United States for some time now. It seems to me this pattern started after the earth quake off the coast of Japan. Some have said this quake was so powerful the earth's axis was shifted slightly??? Do you have any insight as to what is going on lately? Thanks.


Staff member
If I am following you line of reasoning correctly, you are asking if the quake off Japan last year shifted the earths axis enough to cause the strange weather we hare having?

If so, I can say with almost 100% confidence NO. If it were true, then all of the Northern Hemisphere would have seen the same unusually mild weather that the eastern US did. That was not the case, while we here in the eastern 2/3rds of the Midwest were very mild this winter, parts of Europe, the Former Soviet Union and Alaska saw a colder than average winter. Anchorage AK was just 7" shy of their all time snowiest winter on record last week. They still have about 4-5 weeks left where they can easily see snow, so if the record has not already fallen, it has a good chance of.

Also, the tilt of the earths axis can be pretty easily and accurately measured and if it were off enough to cause such wild impacts on the weather, it would have been reported. It may be possible that a very small change in the orientation of the earths axis may have taken place due to the earthquake, but that was not the earth's first rodeo (strong earthquake).

We have had some highly unusual weather this winter and even in the past few weeks, but the blame lies somewhere else and is likely due to a unique set of circumstances that have all happened at the same time and we will may even hear a realistic explanation in the not too distant future.



Staff member
Thanks John.

Care to elaborate on the unique set of circumstances?

I honestly do not know what has caused things to do what they have done in the jetstream recently that has brought about the highly unusual weather across the northern hemisphere.
