Weather Technology


New member
JD - Long time member, first time poster. Was curious what your opinion is on the recent (last 20 years) progression of your profession. More specifically, the technology. Using an example we are all familiar with - cell phones. I got my first in 1996. The progression of phones in the last 15 years has been exponential.
Do you feel as though your profession has kept up at the same pace as many other "industries"? To me (i may be wrong here), your profession is 2 tiered. 1) The people who develop the technology that you use to produce your forecasts. 2)The people like yourself who use that technology to produce the forecast. If this is the case, do you give input to the techies of what you need to be a better forecaster and tell them to "get it done"?
Thanks for all you do on this site! Regards, Jay


Staff member
I can say that without question, weather technology has not moved at the pace of other technology- especially consumer related. The main reason is money. There is SO much money to be made by coming out with the latest and greatest phone, TV, etc... that they have huge R/D budgets and can crank out new and amazing products faster than we can all learn how to use them (or at least in my case!).

The weather industry by most standards is dirt poor. One of the driving mechanisms for "Global Warming" or the "Climate Change Scare", in my opinion, is the all mighty dollar. It is the goose that has laid the golden egg for this industry. If you can prove to someone that what you theorize is a threat to our planet, you can get a piece of the pie.

Anyway, getting back on track, there have been improvements in technology in the weather biz, but they are slow to come by. Atmospheric research moves at a snails pace, except for severe weather stuff. I am excited for what the future will bring to our "industry", but not holding my breath while waiting!
