Website running slow?


New member
Does your website usually get a big boost in visitors 'bout this time of the season. The site seems to be running much slower lately, since the weather turned for the better. Or is it just at my end?.....Thanks for the great site and forum.


New member
It seems a little slow but I know that with cable internet mine slows way down when school lets out and the kids start gaming and IMing online. I would guess traffic on this site is through the roof these days


New member
Hmmm... I only experience a slow down in certain areas of the site. One area in particular is when I try and look at the A.L. Cam. The webcam pic takes forever to load for some reason.

- Hutch


New member
MMHMMM I'd agree, either it very slowly loads the pic or it loads the pic, but the pic stays blurry. Most likely more ppl comin to this site. I need T3 internet...


New member
Traffic has increased considerably. Happens when the snow is flying, or is about to. In this case- both!

Plus, they may have been performing operations on the server that was slowing things down in the past few days.



New member
Not sure if the site is slow, or something on my end is slow, but tonight seems terrible.

It took forever to download the images from John's journal tonight. So slow that I quit after the first couple.


New member
Business class DSL, way above average internet connection here and only THIS site is mega slow tonight.

So I'll post this message and add more traffic! =D


New member
It was so slow earlier I had to get off! It's better now as I'm sure most people are off the site for the day. I had no problems with other sites.


New member
The site has become exceptionally slow and I will be talking with the host server today about it.

I will get things back up to speed ASAP.

My apologies for this, it is unacceptable in my eyes.
