Western snow plow problems


Active member
I have a older western plow, from the mid 80's or so. It has worked great til one day I was plowing last winter and it quit going up. I took it apart and found nothing wrong. Pump in great shape. All valves look good. It angles and perfect but wont go up. Any suggestions to this problem? I'm thinking next I will take the cylinder apart to look in there.


New member
Check the cable thats mounted in the top location, easy to adjust but very touchy. A slight movement in adjustment is all that is needed, also might have a stretched cable. Parts are getting harder to find with these older cable operated plows. One place I use is crysteel out of fridley MN, they seem to have stock on hand.
see if you have power after the main soleniod under the hood, they tend to go bad. At $10-$20 it wouldn't be a bad idea to replace it anyway


New member
i have a 2000 western unimount snowplow that acted the same way a week ago. i would agree with hardwater hoosier you probably have corrosion on the main soleniod posts. id just replace it.