Western UP location for testing this weekend?


A friend and I would like to head up somewhere in the western UP this weekend to do some testing on our sleds. We don't need a huge area, just looking for a short stretch to dial in the fueling, and check things out. We have a apex turbo, and M8 with nitrous to dial in. I see that the Michigan Law states that you can not operate a snowmobile "In an area open to public hunting during the November 15-30 firearm deer season from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m".

Would we be ok riding unplowed seasonal roads for a short stretch between these hours this saturday?

We want to be legal, and respectful to the locals and hunters that may be in the woods.

Thanks for any input or suggestions on places that this would be possible.


Staff member
Would we be ok riding unplowed seasonal roads for a short stretch between these hours this saturday?

You could ride during the hours of 11 am and 1 pm, but might get some looks.

Depending on how much snow falls, you can park your rig in Lake Linden, just to the east of the main drag and behind the senior living facility. Then you can head out onto the old stamp sands area. The sands have been covered up, but there are some big fields and even a gravel road that encircles the sands area. Good place to test during hunting season and legal.

The area is fenced in, but the village leaves one gate open to allow sleds to pass through in the winter.

Just watch out for the pipes sticking up about 2 feet out of the ground in the far NW part of the park.



Would the sands area only be legal between 11am to 2 pm? Or would it be all day is it is not open to hunting? Thanks for you input John. Its greatly appreaciated


Staff member
It's village property, so no hunting is allowed out there, so you could be there all day.

A little more direction. As you come into town from the south, you turn right where the gas station is and follow that road one block. Then you will see the big parking lot ahead of you. Park there and the open gate is usually on the left.



Thanks John! Well likely be up there Saturday morning if the snow falls like we are hoping. I see where you are talking about on the map. Looks really easy to find.
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I know about those pipes.

I grew up only about a half mile from there. In the 1980's the town had a Feb event called the flake fest. They use to have a radar run out there for sleds. I won my division when I was like 14 or 15, my dad didn't want my mom to know.

Great area to rip it up.



New member
Hey Breeze, that area I was talking about with a foot of snow is the Boston area... bout half way between Houghton and Calumet. Sounds like JD has you on the right track but wanted to let you know. Happy T-DAY and enjoy your first ride. Be safe!!