What about the skeeters?


There's another thread about birds and feeders and such but my question is where are all the skeeters this year? Normally by this time we have to<br>absolutely bathe in Deep Woods Off just to take the dog(s) out...this year there seems to be a significant absence of the aggravating little peckerwoods.<br>Anybody else having the same experience?


Active member
We had some cold weather after the last warm spell that had a lot of rain which probably knocked them down but from what we see they are starting to pick up a bit, but a not of standing water around. I was wondering when the back flies where coming but mid day yesterday they were bombing me.


Our black flies were here a month ago...they lasted their normal 2 weeks or so...I usually joke when somebody asks "where did the black flies go?" and my normal answer is "the freaking skeeters ate them"...but not this year...and we haven't been exceptionally dry at least here in central U.P.


Well-known member
Too dry in se wisco for skeeter breeding. Thats the only benefit to drought.
Skeeters and ticks are busy in ne wisco though if what we saw this weekend at the snomoshack is true all over up there


Active member
Just wondering what others are experiencing now that summer is winding down. Here in Three Lakes, mosquitoes, flies, and ticks have been almost nonexistent. Haven't swatted a mosquito in a month and only pulled one tick off the dog all summer. Best year I can remember!


Well-known member
have had a few ticks at the shop, up where our seasonal trailer is the skeeters are fricking insane and it doesn't matter sun up or down. And why the **** do they always go for the ankles??? BTW..this humidity can end any day now too!! :cower:


Well-known member
It was going that way in central Sconnie (Stevens Point area) until about a week ago, little to no bugs - now the Skeeters are carrying you away the minute you step outside!!


Well-known member
Our dryness has been playing a factor in the skeeter decline, that is the only good thing about it. I have measured less than 1.5 of inches of rain in the past 2 months. Today is the first day we have seen moisture in weeks & for the time being, our temps are in the low 60's for the first time in weeks. The dew points & humidity have been ugly all summer. I am definitely looking forward to fall, however, tomorrow we are suppose to be back in the hot & sticky zone again. You have to love the roller coaster ride.  :) -Mezz 


Well-known member
Was hoping the 7" rain in August would drown them them little........course I don't what's been worse mosquitos or humidity.&#55357;&#56398;&#55357;&#56398;.


New member
This year has been so wonderful with the lack of mosquitoes that I will not complain at all.

Yesterday I had my doors wide open at my cabin and zero mosquitoes and really there has been no mosquitoes since June.


Same here in the Grand Marais / Seney area - almost non-existent it's been so strange.

I have noticed a lot more people up here this year, seems the news has traveled and it's bringing up folks that normally wouldn't be here in June/July.

August has been insane in the amount of traffic and people visiting the area (i.e. Munising, Pictured Rocks, Grand Marais) it seems.

Definitely not complaining, they normally swarm by the hundreds and even with a healthy coat of DEET there's still the one or two that brave the bombing runs almost Kamakazie style.

It's been a very dry summer, most all of the rains have gone north over the lakes or south of the camp here.

Sure hope the pattern breaks for Winter!


Active member
In Green Bay and Northeast Wisconsin, the skeeters are the worst they have been since I can remember. You could usually stand on a concrete driveway or road and wouldn't bother you. Not this August. They even get in your vehicle when you open a door or window and drive you nuts while driving. Can't wait until cooler weather!


Well-known member
After 90 straight days finally turned the AC off.
Was sick of hearing that thing kick on.