What are your thoughts on current Snowmobile/ATV Industry?


New member
So do you think the snowmobile industry is dwindling a slow death at this point, because of the up and down winters we continue to have? Or do you think its making a come back? Also, do you think the ATV industry is still strong or is that dwindling? What about side by sides? Just curious to know everyone's honest opinions.


Active member
Poo dealers have a hard time keeping UTVs in stock. This is pretty much country wide.

Sledding sure wasn't dwindling last winter. I'm sure early season sales were good. But now until the next good winter might be slower. I don't think the mtn segment is slowing at all. If anything it's probably growing at a good pace.


Well-known member
the new technology that comes out every year in the sled industry really catch's my eye. right when i think of what can they come up with next....waa laa..

Go Fast or Go Home

Active member
Snowmobiling is always up and down and always will be. To weather dependent.

ATV/UTV is gaining in popularity because you can ride them 9 months out of the year. Only downside to this market is the trail systems are sketchy at best. Some areas you can ride them, then a half mile later you are in an area that prohibits them. It would be nice if they had a trail system like snowmobiles.

Side x sides are becoming increasingly popular.