I am afraid beetles are here to stay unless someone finds a silver bullet for them. Like the Dutch Elm disease that took the huge towering trees out many decades ago, we now will live without any mature ash. These trees are subject to these beetles which will cycle up and down as the younger ash trees mature.
Story has it that one of the first KNOWN invasions of this beetle in the U.P. came from a guy who got the wood for free (he cuts trees for a living and it was dead, eh??) and brought it up all split up. Neighbor said it was full of the bugs ...called the DNR on him, and he had to pay the maximum fine of $500...don't yah know they punished that guy but good with that one, eh?
Ah, it probably was going to happen anyway, but talk about know'n better!!!
The elms come back too but as they get bigger and the disease comes back right with it, no huge trees will ever exist without some sort of help from treatment...and the once mighty forests of ash are now gone by the wayside, thanks in no small part by the ignorance of man. This one is really personal, because I had to cut down a 6 ft + di. tree for family and there is so much ash available I could NOT even find someone who wanted the lumber...so it has become fire wood. This was beautiful wood and a tree that size would have some amazing lumber...and I doubting we will ever see this sized tree again.
Speaking of diseases and such...anyone else note the gypsy moth infestation along I-75 by Indian River?? White Oaks are taking it on the chin too.