What is this a print of?


Active member
Wolf or a big dog. The curve on the outer prints suggest wolf. Seen the tracks a million times in the UP.

What kind of dogs do your neighbors have? Could be a good size Huskie.


New member
Dave, I suspect it is injured, looks like it was dragging a leg in the snow. Got up here and my dogs went nuts sniffing all around and trying to follow tracks. The neighbors a few doors over have a med.size lab that is nowhere big enough to make a print that size. My dogs front paws fit in the middle pad with tons of room. Could there be a wolf in the Irons area?? No other dogs anywhere around the lake but mine and the lab. Pic was from yesterday with no new tracks today.


Active member
Hard to tell 100% with any melting but, I still say wolf. Not a Coyote for sure.

Maybe it's a mountain lion... Watch the branches above you! hahaha. It could be out to kill Bobcat killers!


New member
Wolf, hands down,Chances are as you stated it's injured can't find/catch food on it's own so it's moving in close to people looking for a meal.I would keep an eye on the dogs and a firearm handy until this thing disappears.


New member
While it could very well be a wolf, from a behavioral stand point, it would be pretty unusual for a wolf to hang around a cabin unless there was a good reason for it to do so. Cats? Coons? One would hang there if any one of a dozen different other animals would draw it to leave a bunch of tracks. Passing thru, alright, but to just hang around....I would say unlikely.


New member
At thia time I have not seen any animal. Snow has melted so hard to see any new tracks. Hanging here till Friday and will keep an eye on it. I wonder if track did get larger as snow melt???? I suspect that does happen?