What is this flip you talk about?


New member
It is obvious we flipped into winter as down south MW has even flipped into the winter mode and the LES is adding up in some areas and it is only dec 4th. I can only imagine it's a flip to the worst outside of the north-woods and LES?

Thanks much.



I talk about this in the forecast text, but the flip I refer to is not contained to just a specific area of the Midwest, nor is it confined to just the Midwest as a whole, or for that mattern the entire US. It is a significant change in the overall pattern extending all the way into areas including the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Siberia.

As I mention in my forecast text, there has already been a change in the pattern and it may be that we are on the road to the final pattern I envision for North America and points west, or perhaps we are in the setup we can expect for much of the rest of the winter, or perhaps it is just a blip in the pattern and something entirely different will occur for the rest of the winter. Only the powers that be knows the answer to that question.

However, part of the change in noticeable weather (colder temps and snow falling in the northern 1/2 of the Midwest) can be attributed to the time of the year and the seasonal change in the weather that happens in these areas at this time of the year and it does not take a rocket scientist to make those kinds of predictions!
