What would you rather rent?


Baby due in Feb, wrecked my sled last year, only going to get a couple rides in this year when I go up to check on the house so I am going sledless...
Which would you prefer for 2 days of aggressive trail riding?
Skidoo TNT 600 (not e-tech)
Polaris 600 Shift



New member
Why not rent one of them one day and then the other the next day/time? Then you can decide for yourself which one you like better. I don't rent sleds often (well really only if my sled is broken and the parts are unavailable in a hurry) but when I do I try to rent something I haven't ridden before to compare it to my current ride.


New member
I don't have much experience with Polaris' newer than 2000, so I might try out a current Poo. Normally I'm on a Skidoo, with the 600 etec. You'd save gas money if you went with the etec


I would rent one each day but then I would ahve to have it back by 8:00 the first night....

If I could rent an e-tech I would spring for it in a heartbeat but allas, Timberline doesn't rent them...


Well-known member
What kind of sled do ya have and What's wrong with it. Define wrecked. You would be surprised just how much help you might get if you put it out there. Renting is dang expensive. The $4-5 bills you will spend renting would go along ways tword fixing what ya got.


New member
No Contest - TNT

In early '09 I did what several here suggest - I rented a 600 shift for two days and an XP TNT 500ss (600) for two days as I was in the market for a sled.

I then test drove sleds at dealerships to confirm the rental setups weren't substantially different from the corresponding new sleds at the dealerships.

In my opinon - not even close for aggressive trail riding. The handling on the TNT is far superior. I liked the Polaris engine, and the suspension may have soaked up the very worst moguls a bit better, but for flat out tossing the sled through the twisties and aggressive trail riding the handling of the Doo just rocked.

It was so good I bought the TNT.

I'm not a very manufacturer loyal guy. I'll buy the best sled on the market. I've owned Cat's, Poo's, Yami's and now the Doo.

Of the two choices, and for aggressive trail riding, I'd definitely go with the TNT.

Have fun sledding, and with the newborn!


New member
We rented a SD 600 Sport last year from Timberline. I was impressed, it didn't have long legs but was fun to ride. The TNT will have the wide ski stance & the good shocks on the front. We actually rented 2 , after we caught the 1st one on fire, I had to back with my check book out and my head down then ask Marlin .... " Can I have another " =:)

SkiDude 51

New member
I won a rental from Evert's in Hancock last year and got the 550 TNT. I absolutely loved it. I have ridden the Shifts before and the TNT was so much nicer. We put in a 240 mile day, including Houghton to Lake of the Clouds and back. I'm a bigger guy(6'1", 285) and was super impressed with the TNT. I felt like I rode 100 miles that day, not 240. IMO, go with the TNT.


New member
In early '09 I did what several here suggest - I rented a 600 shift for two days and an XP TNT 500ss (600) for two days as I was in the market for a sled.

I then test drove sleds at dealerships to confirm the rental setups weren't substantially different from the corresponding new sleds at the dealerships.

In my opinon - not even close for aggressive trail riding. The handling on the TNT is far superior. I liked the Polaris engine, and the suspension may have soaked up the very worst moguls a bit better, but for flat out tossing the sled through the twisties and aggressive trail riding the handling of the Doo just rocked.

It was so good I bought the TNT.

I'm not a very manufacturer loyal guy. I'll buy the best sled on the market. I've owned Cat's, Poo's, Yami's and now the Doo.

Of the two choices, and for aggressive trail riding, I'd definitely go with the TNT.

Have fun sledding, and with the newborn!



Thanks guys, looks like I am going to rent a TNT and a buddy that is coming along is going to grab the shift, get to try them both then.


My sled is a 2001 Yamaha SRX with an M-10 and 7,000 miles on it. The tunnel cracked big time and is not weldable. If I were to repair it I would also want to re-build the top end of the motor since it has never been opened. Add to that a need for new bushings all around and a few other things and I am more comfortable parting this one out and moving onto newer technology next year.



Thanks guys, looks like I am going to rent a TNT and a buddy that is coming along is going to grab the shift, get to try them both then.


My sled is a 2001 Yamaha SRX with an M-10 and 7,000 miles on it. The tunnel cracked big time and is not weldable. If I were to repair it I would also want to re-build the top end of the motor since it has never been opened. Add to that a need for new bushings all around and a few other things and I am more comfortable parting this one out and moving onto newer technology next year.

Cloverland Rentals in Ironwood is only 30 miles up the road from Timberline and I'm sure you could rent an etech from them; TNT or Renagade.