What's up with your camera and the trail camera?


No Picture! Been that way for a while. I know you had trouble with the trail cam last year. But usually yours works great.


I think there is one of those stupid automated software upgrades that keeps popping up and stalling the machine out until a choice is made to upgrade or pass. I need to get down there and figure out how to turn the upgrade request off. Hopefully my health will allow that to happen soon.

In the mean time I may see if the folks at the Wildlife Refuge Cabins can go down and just reboot, that would let it run for a few days or perhaps a week or two.

Other than that issue, it is a pretty stable system and should be good for the winter season.



Active member
There is software out there where you can remotely access a computor and fix any problems with it including doing a remote reboot. I use a free software called Teamviewer http://www.teamviewer.com/index.aspx
I can log on and control the computor and change settings or reboot just as if I were there. The connection is a little slow but works great.


I do use logmein. Pretty nice for free. Sometimes the machine is froze in a manner where remote software will not work though.\
