When did this week's big storm tip its hand?


New member
You correctly pegged the track of this week's low nearly a week ago. As of a day ago other meteorologists had the low everywhere except it's predicted track. The models were offering very diverse solutions. Was there one thing that led you to the correct track? I realize that at first your confidence was low, but by Friday, it was pretty high. Is the storm going to find the crease between the two highs in Canada, and did that help you reach the correct outcome?

Thank you for the accurate forecasts, even when they show me without snow.


Staff member
I guess first off the storm has not hit, so it would be premature to make any claims to victory on it's path, but with that said. I use a number of different methods when I put together a forecast.

I know it may sound silly, but I do not like to share my methods in public (or private for that matter!). I earn a living off of my weather forecasts and there is a certain percentage of folks that pay me for my opinion because they feel it is worth it. I risk giving way those reasons if I give them out in public and one of my competitors were to pick up on it.

Hope you understand.



New member
I certainly understand. Have a very Merry Christmas and may your forecasting accuracy continue into the new year!!