The TYPE of feeders you have and the FOOD you put out will make a big difference in what birds will frequent the feeders.
Thistle seed attracts finches best; cardinals love oilers as do the squirrels
; and mullet and cracked corn will bring Jay birds and nearly everything else.
Also some of these birds prefer a pretty good perch to sit on when they feed.
I found that a pipe flange attached to a 1/2 inch pipe and 15 inch platform screwed to the flange (flat feeder) seems to be the best tho you do have to broom it off from time to time. Oh, and don't forget the woodpeckers...they love the suet feeders....which attract hairy's and Downey's and red bellied and occasional flickers...but zero red headeds....they are becoming scarce.
I have had no problem attacking junkcos or chickadees or Jays...and up to 2 dozen cardinals which like to sit in the crab apple tree like orniments as the sun hits them and warms them up.
It is a great thing to pass the time...even if it does get expensive when you have to buy the thistle seeds at a buck a pound.