Where is all the snow?


New member
So do we blame COVID-19 on the lack of snow to?

Seems like there is no snow anywhere in Wisconsin and Michigan. A storm possibly passing through lower Michigan but will it last until Christmas?

U.P. seems like it will be a pretty poor year for snow. Is there any hope for the Christmas/New Year holiday?


Well-known member
This isn't that unusual, we will get snow eventually, be patient. Good things come to those who wait.....:snowman: -Mezz


That early dump last year made a mess on a lot of trails. Many dangerous, huge water holes, groomers falling in. At least now with most things freezing/frozen up, when the snow does fall, we'll be in good shape. I think Lake Gogebic has 5 inches of ice already. After today, things appear to stay below freezing and teens/low 20's overnight. We need the LES snow machine to fire up and one good dump perhaps. We all might have to do a collective snow dance at the same time and see what happens. Hope the storm over on the East side of Michigan gets the snow they say they are going to get, might have to take a quick trip around the lake if they do!
Unfortunately, things are not freezing up. It was in the mid fifties two days this week. NO frost in the round and lakes are still open in SE wisconsin. At this rate we have eight weeks if we are really lucky. March sun angles are coming soon.


New member
In Hazelhurst now, things are frozen and frozen nicely. 5-6"on the lakes and Ppl were skating all over Lake Minocqua on Sunday. Hasn't gotten close to 20, since.

Problem is, no snow. Like, none.