In my opinion, rattling only works when the buck to doe ratio is much closer and there is competition for breeding such. Here in michigan we just don't have the luxury, the buck to doe ration is way out of wack. In 24 years of hunting I have only seen bucks fighting twice. Grunts will put the freeze on some bucks and spook others in my expierence. I do set up scent lines with code blue doe estrous. It's kinda pricey,but I have had good luck with it, so spend the money for 1 bottle a year. I am hunting next to a bedding area and the bucks run the outskirts of it, so I set scent bottles coming in different lines, they do stop at them. I once used trails end 309 on a cotton ball and put it in a shrub next to a scape & hanging branch the deer were all using, the next morning the shrub was tore up, never seen the buck there, but it was surely letting me know this was his area. I would say for the most part it just makes them curious and if it makes them curious you may just have a chance.