White house cam?


Active member
What happend? I know you said you were going to get up there and talk to the new owners about getting it up and running. Now its gone from the northwoods cam network. Please tell me they're not snowmobiler unfriendly?
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Staff member
I have been in contact with them and the previous owners took the cam and computer that was running it. They have a computer, but are in the process of aquiring a cam. Once they have the cam, I am going to go help set it up.

They are good folks and VERY snowmobile friendly!



Staff member
We're talking about the White House Motel and not the Inn, but I currently do not have plans to have the White House Inn as a stopping point for the poker run. One issue is that they do not open until 2 pm. I like the place to open by at least noon.



Active member
Well thats good to hear. I got a little nervous when I noticed the snowflake was gone. That place is like home away from home for me. Just wasn't sure if I was gona see a Subaru parked out front next time I'm there-LOL.