White Thunder Riders' Auction-Hurley


New member
The White Thunder Riders are holding our annual fundraiser/auction in Hurley this Saturday. There will be prizes and games with mechandise and gift cetificates to bid on. The auction is really a fun event and a chance to help support our club and our grooming efforts. Come and join us and have some fun!!!!

The auction is being held at the Iron Horse Saloon in Hurley. Auction starts at 1:00 PM on Saturday, February 13th.

50/50 RAFFLE FUNDRAISER: The 50/50 fundraiser raffle will continue on with tickets being sold into March. Raffle tickets are being sold by various establishments and stores in the Hurley area...The drawing for the raffle will take place at the North Pole Bar on Saturday, March 6. You need not be present to win.

Thank You for any support you can give us!!!!!