Why can't I knock my kid in to tomorrow?

Why can't I knock my kid in to tomorrow?

  • Because the Lawers say so.

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • Because my kid is spoiled and I would NEVER deprive him/her of anything

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • Because 6 year olds can sue us...

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Children rule the world. They will have Angry Bird take us down!

    Votes: 5 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
Why can't I knock my kid in to tomorrow?
It was standard protocall when we where his age! FFS
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Active member
For the record, I didn't vote. My son is, in his mind, a tough guy Hockey player. I love him to death and I am his coach but, he's a tough little sh!t, which I encourage on the ice, but need to teach him who is boss at home.


Active member
1 and 3 are kinda the same thing to me. Me personally? Because of DCFS and my kids ending up in the foster system because of some incompetent putz trying to make an example out of my white sorry butt!! Oh, and violence is just, um, like wrong and stuff?! I have to think about my vote yet!


Active member
1 and 3 are kinda the same thing to me. Me personally? Because of DCFS and my kids ending up in the foster system because of some incompetent putz trying to make an example out of my white sorry butt!! Oh, and violence is just, um, like wrong and stuff?! I have to think about my vote yet!

It's kind of a, just for fun, frustration as a parent type thing. Nothing official and participation is not required.


Active member
It's kind of a, just for fun, frustration as a parent type thing. Nothing official and participation is not required.

Laughing...Um, I wasn't thinking it was scientific or going to be used against me in a court of law! :D

I have a 14 year old...I find my hands clenched in fists that I have to remind myself to unclench! :eek:

I went with the little turds sueing me!

Team Elkhorn

My kids are grown and starting to have kids of their own. Believe it or not you'll look back at the time your kids were growing up and laugh at most of it.:p
Besides, grandkids are Gods reward for not having killed your own kids.:D We get to spoil them with candy and loud toys and then send them home.:)


New member
I wanna choose all the options on the poll but it wont let me?????? LOL

Kids are like women.... Once you have a good one you dont want to live without one!!!!! On those "RARE" occassions even the best ones make you ask yourself What the **** was I thinking????? I Love my wife and two girls so much I would'nt be the man I am today without them. I"D HAVE WAY MORE MONEY AND TOYS THOUGH


New member
I have a question to everyone. WHO PAY'S FOR THE CELL PHONE AND INTERNET?? Hit them where it really hurts! Worked for us, well still does and their in college!


New member
I have a question to everyone. WHO PAY'S FOR THE CELL PHONE AND INTERNET?? Hit them where it really hurts! Worked for us, well still does and their in college!

x2, Take those away and its worse than being grounded.


Well-known member
got a call from school. My oldest son (only 7 years old) got into a fight on the bus. Scratched face, bled just a bit, but nothing major. I was quite worried until the school nurse informed me that the other combatant only had minor scratches. The other fighter, was MY middle son (6 years old). So, 2 of my 3 boys were in "trouble" for fighting each other at school. I hung up the phone and actually kind of laughed a bit. I don't tolerate fighting or getting into trouble but even the nurse and principle were slightly smiling. So, i guess it begins!
Punishment - no X box, no four wheel rides, it seemed to work! Im not a perfect parent but I do the best I can.


Active member
Dave, Dave, Dave is that precious Michael giving you a hard time, not him I can't believe it LOL Hang in there he'll grow up and really give it to you :p


Active member
got a call from school. My oldest son (only 7 years old) got into a fight on the bus. Scratched face, bled just a bit, but nothing major. I was quite worried until the school nurse informed me that the other combatant only had minor scratches. The other fighter, was MY middle son (6 years old). So, 2 of my 3 boys were in "trouble" for fighting each other at school. I hung up the phone and actually kind of laughed a bit. I don't tolerate fighting or getting into trouble but even the nurse and principle were slightly smiling. So, i guess it begins!
Punishment - no X box, no four wheel rides, it seemed to work! Im not a perfect parent but I do the best I can.

One of the few times my oldest was nice and used his bullying on someone other than his brothers was when this meany was picking on my middle boy. I laughed and said I know the only reason he got in the meany's face was because torturing his brothers is HIS job and his alone!

The only nice thing about all the crap my kids have is that I've got good stuff to take away!! :cool: And to take away snowmobiling? Am amazed at how quick they come correct!


New member
Hose the kid down with a garden hose till he quits wailing ! works everytime ! northwoods waterboarding ! is it legal to give your kid a bath? lmfao!


New member
Respect isn't given,it's earned. I have two adult kids both married. Coached them both in different sports. There were times I would get ticked, but knocking them into the next county, never came into the mix. I've remarried and am doing it all over again. Same scenerio, daughter is older by 3yrs on her brother. Little guys are 8yrs and 5yrs. They are great and wouldn't ever think of changing anything. I have to admit things are much faster pace now, but if you make time for them and show them that you really love them,you'll will have bumps along the way,but it goes by to fast not to stop and smell the roses. Watched a movie last week that some people might think is a little corny,but it made me think. Name of the movie was" Courageous" I think every Dad should watch it. In the mean time, I think it hurts me more than my kids if I have to give a spank now and then. No one ever said it would be easy,but the great things in life never do.