Why do several cities and towns promote the sport but don't provide proper access??


New member
Here is the million dollar question, every small city or town in Northern Wisconsin wants the benefits of snowmobiling but they refuse to provide any amount of snow on those roads that are marked as trails. There are so many routes that are labled as snowmobile trails but they are heavily sanded and even salted. The ill effect is when a small amount of sun shines on the trail is very difficult to travel, because you are riding on pavement. I do realize that the roads must be safe for auto travel but can't we take a wing plow and create a trail on the snow instead of on the pavement?? I am just looking for feedback. I look at all of this sanding and salting/plowing and I know we are in an economic crunch, I would think there would be less. Thanks for your comments!


New member
Ask not what someone else can do for you but what you can do for snowmobiling.

Threadjack - It's not a sport unless there's a checkered flag involved.