Why does my profile say Junior Member now


Don't worry, someday you too will enjoy all that comes with senior status. I remember that day well! Watch for your benefit package to arrive in the mailbox shortly after your status is elevated and let us know what you got!


New member
What's wrong with being called junior, I'm 52 and I don't mind it one bit! Young at heart I guess!!


New member
When you act like a Junior what do you expect?
Start posting better posts and maybe they will change it.

kidding, obviously just the way the new software works
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New member
so do I need to hit 50 posts to be a member? That took a long time on the old board. Holidays are almost here. All the well wishing should Help!


New member
Don't feel insulted by being a jr. member, I stopped yesterday at the bar next to the grade in Kenton and the bartender said I was to old to be riding by myself.