Why No Storms ?


Active member
Last week's weather was a week of extreme temperatues. And not all was lake effect or clear skys. Inland over WI and MN, I thought there was a definite front with extreme temps on either side of this front ??
What was missing that otherwise would usually trip some violent T-Storms or active weather as this front pushed thru ?


A couple of things:

Moisture would have been the main missing ingredient. Fronts do have a tendency to lift air and lifting air can lead to showers and thunderstorms, but if there is no moisture around, you do not get much in the way of clouds and the latent heat that is released by the moisture condensing out of the air. It is the release of that latent heat that really gets thunderstorms going and can help them become severe.

The strongest temperature gradients occurred when the front was moving north as a warm front. Warm fronts typically do not produce the rapid lifting of air that can lead to strong storms. Plus upper air dynamics were not suitable for severe weather in the vicinity of the strong temperature gradients last week.



Active member
We - have gotten plenty of moisture. And we - dont pay any tax. Only refund<font color="119911">$$</font> here. Just cashed my home heat credit.

Thanks John. I guess we need a strong cold front to roll thru to shake things up. Though did have a few thunder bumpers shake my house in the last week.


Active member
Its filed as part of MI taxes.
If your household fits within the state formula or guidelines with regard to income and seasonal heat cost, ect. then you may be eligible for a credit with your heat supplier. And I believe it can also go towards firewood that was purchased to heat a home.