science and academia are starting to reinvestigate bigfoot due to sightings occurring in the same area along with foot prints and bent over branches and people sightings reports.....very interesting as to the points to reexamine and the fact that several well known film analyists have deemed it not a hoax....just read entire thing...its short for a understanding of a long problem....and the fact they found the little people on the island....and TAUNG MAN explaining being wrong after all these years...theres even a suit analysis for MRBB and others....enjoy
recent foot print and sighting be several people
well since you mentioned me, I guess you want a response,
and again, I think you read more into things because YOU BELIEVE
the man in the bigfoot suit, reminds me of the OJ case and the glove? LOL
what THAT suit is wrong, and they don't make others LOL, or
there are humans of all sizes and shapes, YES< just cause the one they used didn;t fit the profile movements in the film, doesn't mean another HUMAN cannot make them IMO
hollywood has made many many many movies over the yrs making many many things UNREAL look real?
there are many humans that walk VERY different from MOST too, and even some that can run on all 4's!
and got to love the thought about how could anyone in 1967 know what future items we will have to investigate a film
imagine that, NO one could predict the future??
what does that have to do with anything? NO one can predict the future in that manor
a GOOD trick is still a GOOD trick hundreds of yrs later, its why so many magic tricks are still doing the same act's!
and WOW in NC they are finding tree bent over and tracks> WOW
how could it NOT be a Big foot making them
even the write there says they CANNOT be all FAKES, so it must be true ? then again, it also means even he has doubts, no?
again, till there is a body or remains from CURRENT decades, its all just talk!
like it or not, there will always be folks that believe and those that don't
and till PROOF really exists, , both can be right or wrong,
the LOGIC IMO points to there ISN"T any
to you and all these so called reads and vids you post, I gather you all believe they do!
in a world where FAME is sought so hard and even BS stories get major play time on the world wide web and medie
the desire and reasons to FAKE things is at an ALL time HIGH IMO as well
keep posting this stuff if you like , however I doubt your changing many minds with it all...
but I have time to kill, so, no skin off my knuckles reading them LOL