WI DNR issues news release on use of fat-tired bicycles on snowmobile trails.


Deleted member 10829

There's a time and a place, and on winter snowmobile trails is not it! Like.


Active member
So its illegal to ride a fat bike on cross country ski trails but not on some snowmobile trails? Thats just typical government. Lol


I posted to the AWSC Facebook page when they posted this yesterday, I met a biker on the LaCrosse river trail I was not expecting a biker to be out and I almost tagged him. They definitely need to stay off the trails as it isn't a good mix at all and I do ride bike.


Well-known member
On private land, clubs need to get an easement from landowners to have a trail. Most easements say the trail is for snowmobiles only, maybe ATVs. Anything other than snowmobiling, or maybe ATVing, would be considered tresspassing. That is were the fat bikes encounter a problem, on private land trails, they may be trespassing. On state or county land, if the trail is designated as multi-use, they may be included, maybe.

Fat-bikes are a fast growing sport. One that we all need to keep aware of. The AWSC is actively staying on top of this, and the safety issues that come with bikes on snowmobile trails.
I'm looking into a snow bike, and there's no way I'd want to ride on the trails. IMO, the state clubs and DNR need to stay on top of this. Bike riders far outnumber snowmobilers and bikes in general are "todays thing".

Heck, I just read an article from WI that they have fat bike only trails. No other bikes allowed!


Well-known member
I have a Fat Bike that should be in tomorrow. I am just riding on the bicycle trails I would not ride when snowmobiles are out. Too dangerous to me hit something and get hit not worth it. If you want a Trek Farley I can get you a deal on one I am a Trek dealer.


Well-known member
In the Trek they are sold out of the smalls but can get you a Surly Pugsley for $1450 plus tax they make an small in that. I rode one last year on the trail they roll real well on dry pavement also

Team Elkhorn

It should be against the law how much fun fat bikes are for the price. Plus more trails are going in every year. And again, like I said on the other thread, (and the above article confirms it,) bikes are only allowed on the snowmobile trails that they help pay for with their yearly $20 Wisconsin bike trail pass, (MUTs, etc). I'm not sure why they would want to, but they have that right. And if you do see them riding where they are not allowed, by all means please call law enforcement. We need another winter group using new technology to wander around, riding where they're not supposed to, like we need another hole in the head.:rolleyes:


New member
Yup There is a disaster waiting to happen Fat Bikes on trails . As a club member i brush the trails for sledders and some instances for atv's .. Not for Bikes sorry .. If this keeps getting bigger we will end up loosing our trail system to them that we work hard to keep up .. Sorry about this but its happening up north around eagle river north !! I was just up in houghton mich and yaa you see fat bikes but on the road not on the trails i think they are smart enough to stay off due to sledders blasting them off the trail .. Sorry but wow they have roads side walks ect for them y do they need to be on the snowmobile trails they DONT !!


New member
Its odd how every group is against other groups - fisherman against skiers, snowboarders vs skiers, ice fisherpeople against snowmobiles, and now snowmobiles against fat bikes. Seems that there could be some common ground?

If you are going that fast down a trail that you can't avoid a biker who more than likely could hear you coming 1/2 mile away, you are going to fast. What if it was a deer or a wolf or any number of other obstacles that are avoided everyday? what if was a stranded snowmobiler?

I enjoy seeing people out and enjoying winter - snowshoeing, running dogs, cross country skiing, fishing, sledding - whatever... just get out there and enjoy the beauty of winter. If it is a trespassing issue, stick to trails that you can use. Lets get along - share the road.


New member
no way no how..let them develop there own trails for their sport just like us snowmobile and atv clubs..state fed land may be different..but really..some guy crusing down a sled trail on a bike? cmon man


Active member
If you are going that fast down a trail that you can't avoid a biker who more than likely could hear you coming 1/2 mile away, you are going to fast. What if it was a deer or a wolf or any number of other obstacles that are avoided everyday? what if was a stranded snowmobiler?

This is the point. Nobody cares if you hit an animal. If a biker gets hit, someone will care. And yes, they will probably being going to fast as it will be the snowmobilers fault. This will lead to daytime speed limits and or trail closures. You can bet money on it. And I will assume most of these bikes will be using a MP3 so it isn't so certain they will hear a snowmobile. Its just a bad mix in my opinion. I don't see anything good coming out of it for snowmobilers. Does anybody really think that if bikers did get their own trail system going snowmobilers would be let on?