WI DNR Says We Were Wrong.


Well-known member
WI DNR says we were wrong a lot less deer in Vilas County than we thought. AMEM.

Then WI DNR inserts foot in mouth again saying "Ok hunters if you knew we were wrong why did you fill that doe tag we gave you"???? "You guys shot too many deer."

So that means they were wrong & we were wrong because they were wrong.

Right? lol


Active member
WI DNR is a complete joke. They cant even say they messed up the right way. Oh well at least Vilas county is the only county they messed up.......... yeah right
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New member
Where did you hear this? I have been hunting Vilas County for the past 20 years and the last 5 have been the worst we have ever seen where we hunt. The last three seasons our group, 6-9 hunters has shot one deer. In past years it wasn't unusually for us to fill 75% of our tags. That in itself was probably part of the problem, over harvest.


New member
the past few years have been awful everywhere i've tried
i hunted 3 years in danburry, and only saw/harvested one deer, and it was a medium sized doe

i've also hunted in draper, and didn't even see a single darn thing

the earn-a-buck really killed the sport a lot, i can't believe how much the numbers are down
lets hope the WI dnr gets it right from now on...


Well-known member
Info was in Vilas county news sports section this week. DNR said earn-a-buck in 2007-2008 caused over harvest situation. Writer for hunting section said he would be happy to just see a deer again. I have not seen a deer in a long time & none on trail yesterday either. Severe overkill up here from 6 years ago. Seeing more & more turkeys everyday now. I will be off trail tomorrow maybe I will see some deer in on UPMI /WI border.


There is no dear shortage, they have all moved to the twin cities and live in my back yard. I have at least 15 dear running through my back yard all the time, they eat every thing I own. I just wish you could shoot from my deck. Our cabin is in Presque Isle, WI and we drove up in the summer we would see 50 or more deer standing on the road from Park falls to manitowish.


Well-known member
Not fun to have deer muching on shrubs & can wreck a yard.They know where to go for a good meal unfortunatley that is not in the woods where they belong. They hang out in towns in Northwoods too & town folks get bent when town board suggests bow hunting in town to get deer out of town so they don't cause problems. Fawns learn from doe where to eat so if you got good stuff they like are going to be there. Not much you can do deer used to just look at me day & night & eat my wife's flowers. I could get within 10 feet before they would move. I live in forest & all deer gone now & wife very happy flower garden was the best the last 2 years.


New member

I groom for our club ,now that the corn is down I'm seeing lot more deer at night. I had 10 walking down the trail in front of me last night. It looks like there herding up now. On Tuesday i watched 4 bigger nice bucks eating 100 feet from the trail and they never moved when i came by