Windows 7 System Defragmenter err


New member
Here is a link to read up on this virus, it just infected my computer even when running windows 7 w/ MS Security Essentials. It hijacks your computer and redirects you to buy some " Advanced " module to fix it for $85. Yes... I'm not that smart and it has the MS looking Icon on the page, so it got me. It took 3 hours on the phone with my CC company filing a dispute and MSoft trying to report it . I did waste my time with MS trying to do the right thing but they were too busy dealing with this out break - attack to be interested . This link is from " " listing the hard drive errs that show up and warning you it is fake. The company that takes your money is "".

Just a heads up, according to my foreign speaking Micro Soft CS rep , 7 out of 10 calls they are getting are related to this virus.

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New member
It was disquised as a defrag err and has the appearance of a " MS Windows fix it " . It seems to be a widespread err that shows up as a " defragmenter err fake" that hijacks the computer ". Just trying to be helpful, since it got me pretty good. That's all... hope I explained this well, I'm not that computer savy .


Do you have automatic updates turned on? Isn't this the one that's been happening since December? every version of the MSRT (malicious software removal tool) has taken care of it since then. I suggest downloading Malware-bytes anti-malware (free version) as a backup. Just run it if you think somethings going on because it doesn't do scheduling.