

New member
John, noticed from your journal today you want to get windows. I just placed an order and was told 8-10 weeks. Hope you do better than that, but wanted to let you know. I was talking to a friend that runs a lbr biz and she said that it wouldn't surprise her in the next shipment of 2x4's the price is going to be 10 bucks for an 8 footer. Lumber is scarce. Scary times for people who want to improve their homes. Just thought you should know. Rev.


Staff member
Thanks Rev. we were told 4 weeks. We’re not going to dilly dally on ordering them though. I would rather have them sitting and waiting for the contractor than the other way around!


New member
Hopefully it's sooner. I ordered a front door expecting the same thing and it looks like 5-6 weeks. Supplies in anything right now are extremely low.
I know with covid it's iffy, but if you and the family want to come down for the Shop and Swap @ the Derby, you certainly would be my guests. We would put you up in the VIP suite for the Friday night festivities. X-game riders will be here along with an attempted back flip on a SxS. That will start about 6:30 I believe.


Staff member
Thanks so much for the generous invite! We would love to, but with my health history, I still need to be careful, including avoiding large crowds.

I so wish I could make it. Sounds like this event is going to be a huge hit!



New member
Definietly. Maybe when this covid stuff is done, you, Nora, and Grace would come down for the races. Same invitation. We would love to have you and maybe, if you are there during the on track festivities, you might say a few words. We'd love to have you.


Super Moderator
Staff member
My neighbor is resurfacing his deck. I helped him unload the other day, it took eight weeks for his treated 1x6's to come in. I never would've guessed how fragile our supply chain is, one missing link in the chain is all it takes.