Winter 2013-2014 Prediction


New member

Any idea when you will post your annual Winter Outlook? I've read some promising articles calling for above average snow as the result of a possible weak La Nina.... Looking forward to seeing your professional opinion. Thanks for your awesome website, John. THINK SNOW!


Staff member
I was hoping to get it done before I head down for the Milwaukee snow show next week, but it looks like I might not make that deadline.

So hopefully the week after.



Hey John, I'll swing by and say hi at the show. I am heading down with Beer Belly Bob, should be a good time!


Active member
Which day you going Lenny? I'm headed there Saturday morning till around 2:00. John you get a lunch break from the Tog booth?


Well-known member
John is this the week for Winter 2013-2014 Season's Best Guess? Nov 1st is Friday & 30 days until MI trails open plus it is not looking good for WI early December opener so guess where we will be riding ?? lol:)


Well-known member
Well it will be nice to have winter start in Northern WI in December instead of late Feb like last year. Just have to see how all this works out but sounds like a roller coaster winter for central & southern WI but I'm used to that over past 20 Now the watch of the winter daily JD forecast begins!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well, I am all smiles after reading John's seasonal. Last season was pure agony waiting to get good snow in da yoop. Ya, I was riding down here in south central Wi before Christmas, but that is not where I want to be riding. LOL. BUT, that being said, I guarantee that with my sled being in the yoop this winter all winter, and no sled to ride at home, south central Wi will get hammered with no snow! LOL.


Well-known member
Hey what a small world I'm good friends with the Captain too!! Have also met JD and JB.;) LOL

Skylar- Thanks in advanced. :D


New member
When I click onto the seasonal outlook, it is giving me the 2012-2013 updated version? anyone else having this issues