Winter Tornados


New member
I was up at 2:30 this morning because the weather radio went off again warning of 70-90 mph winds, severe thunderstorms and hail with possible tornado's. Yes in February, well technically March with the temps at 54. This is the 3rd or 4th time for this to happen this winter here in northern Indiana. The only measurable snow was way back in December. So this weather had me thinking, I have been in thunder snow before. It is really quite neat to think about, a thunderstorm producing snow instead of rain, how cool is that! But my curiosity is, has a thunder snow storm ever produced a tornado? Seems like it could be possible under the right conditions? Has this occurred in the past?


Well-known member
I live about 20 miles from Ottawa, we had lots of tornadoes yesterday and tons of rain. Winter here was more like a late Fall, totally sucked. I remember the thunder snow, pretty cool. Not sure about the snow storm producing tornado, iam sure anything is possible. The ground around here this winter has been a sloppy mess. On a positive note my gas bills have been super cheap!