With everything going on... Take a step back


Well-known member
So last friday our long time parts man Rich was really worked up about this virus business. Wanted to keep people away and keep the doors locked ect. I mean he was stressed to the max. I calmed him down and told him if he was this worked up he should consider taking some time off and gave him his options. He has been a rock solid employee for 30 plus years. Was getting close to retiring. Just wanted to give him options if he was worried about getting sick. So yesterday morning I pull in here at 7:30 and his car isn't here. Normally he gets here around 7. So I think to myself well maybe he took my advice and is gonna let this virus thing pass. I no more than get to my office and the phone rings. Its his wife. Rich was killed by a cow Sunday night. He had a small herd of cow/calves that he tended to in his spare time. Like pets to him. How quickly life can change. He was in good shape for his age and was fixing up a Shelby mustang that he has had forever. It sure made me take a step back. Look at things differently. How quickly life can change. He leaves behind a wife and two adult children. Things are sure going to be different around here. Like I said Rich was a dependable guy. For over 30 years. So just remember in these crazy times how quickly life can change. Enjoy yourselves. We are all just temporary residents. Take care everyone.


Well-known member
Wow, crazy. Sorry for his family and you, the company etc.

But I gotta ask.....was this a freak accident or can cows be dangerous like a bull?...I'm not a farm guy.


Well-known member
Thanks guys. I'm not looking for sympathy. His family is devastated. Send your thoughts and prayers their way. Just thought with all the bad news going around that maybe people should see that it can always be worse and it can happen at any time! As for what happened his cows were calving. Momma cows are very protective and it was dark like 10pm. Sounds like he took a big kick and then got stomped. His wife found him and called 911 but it was to late.


Prayers to the family.

My wife grew up on a farm and I've heard stories of the challenges keeping the mother cow at bay. They will charge to protect the calves!

A life changing experience for me was at 18 years old when a good friend died in a car accident. My motto since then has been work hard and play hard! I still save for tomorrow but everything else goes up in smoke!


Well-known member
Thought’s and prayers to his family and friends. Very sad and yes life is short and stress is not worth it.


Staff member
So sad and your points are spot on. Here one minute, gone the next.

I raise my glass in memory of your friend, the life he lived and to what minutes we all have left (hopefully millions!)

Prayers going out to his family for comfort.



Well-known member
Wow, that is freaky & incredibly sad. My condolences to you slim, as well as his family & friends. -Mezz


Wow, crazy. I had a friend who was killed by a bull, but I've never even heard of someone being killed by a cow. There was a woman near me who was killed by a horse kick to the head. Those are pretty common, too.


Well-known member
Damn Matt, I'm sorry buddy. If there's anything I can do please let me know. I went through that with our long time mechanic David (Monks) Aho and I know exactly what you're going through. RIP Rich.


Well-known member
sorry to hear this, and condolences to his family!

and to answer Snobuilders question,

cows, there big strong animals and one kick from one can be dangerous
there animals like any, they can be spooked, moody or??

its NOT very common for one to kill, but its far from unheard of
I worked with many to know
general rule of thumb is not to walk behind them, for several reasons, more to stay clean and poop free, but things behind them can spook them and cause them to kick!
it a protection instinct to them, same can be said on horses and mules!
that's there main defense tool, most are used to humans and don't, but again, it can happen

on a strange up side, < when someone dies doing what they love or enjoy, its at least a better way to go
doesn't make it any easier to loose a loved one, but maybe there is some peace in knowing they went doing something that brought them joy and happiness!
as caring for animals is a lot of work, that most do out of love or them! IMO


New member
Wow. Prayers to the family and you and your co-workers. Over the years Iwas lucky enough to get to know a few of the dairy farmers that belonged to our snowmobile club. Tough business. Please let the sight know if we could send some donations R.I.P. :(

Lost Sheep

New member
Sorry for your loss Slim......I've weaned calves many times on LARGE feed lots/ranches ( 2x2 section pasture large ) and theres always 1 momma cow in every pasture that's a total b***h, they will try to go after you for messing w/ their baby & the fat ol ladies are quicker & more nimble than you'd think